This is a test of the web version of the super metronome.

This is still a work in progress, so bugs probably exist and functionality probably doesn't exist.

How to use

There are three phases to using this RNG manip.

  1. Finding Load Delay.
  2. Finding the Restart Delay.
  3. Everything Else.
You only need to find your Load Delay once per stage (It does change slightly between stages, it seems), but once you have your Load Delay value, you can skip step 1.

Similarly, you only need to find your Restart Delay once per setup, but once you have it, you can skip step 2.

Finding load delay

To find load delay:

  1. Set Load Delay and Target Frame to 0.
  2. Enter the level on a tick.
  3. Note which set you got and reference a 1024 list to find out what frame you landed on. (1024 list sold separately)
  4. Exit the level.
  5. Re-enter the level on another tick.
  6. Find out what frame you landed on again and note it down.
  7. Your load delay is `(second_entry_frame - first_entry_frame) % 1024`. (You can type the equation in google to calculate it. It should be a number in the range 0 to 1023)

Finding restart delay

To find restart delay:

  1. Set Restart Delay to 0.
  2. Enter the level on your load-in set and restart on a tick.
  3. Note which set you got and reference a 1024 list to find out what frame you landed on. (1024 list sold separately)
  4. Your restart delay is `(restart_target_frame - restart_entry_frame) % 1024`. (You can type the equation in google to calculate it. It should be a number in the range 0 to 1023)

Everything else

  1. Set your Load Delay, Restart Delay, and Target Frame.
  2. Enter the level on a tick.
  3. Run your consistent entry movement.
  4. If you failed to enter on your load-in set, type in what frame you got into the "Frame Entered" field and press "Delay Timer" and go to step 2.
  5. If you successfully entered on your load-in set, pause on your set game-frame.
  6. Set the Super Metronome to Restart Mode.
  7. Restart the game on a tick.
  8. Run your IL hoping you entered the on the correct IL set.
  9. Once you finish, type in the target frame into the "Frame Entered" field and press "Delay Timer".
  10. Exit the level and go to step 2.
The first time you enter the stage is your "tuning set". This set is random as the program won't be synced until you tell it what set you have. Afterwards, the program should be synced and you should get sets near the target frame.

Fine tuning

If you find that you're consistently getting a frames that are +n frames away from the target set, your load delay/restart delay may be off. To fix a bad delay that is giving you a set n frames after the target set consistently, increase your delay by n frames. Likewise, if you have a delay which is giving you a set n frames before the target set consistently, decrease your delay by n frames.

For example, if you are going for set 10, but keep landing on or around set 18 consistently, increase your load delay by 8.

Not sure what the behavior of this is for restart delay. Let me know. (: